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Mend and Considerate Urbanism

Considerate Urbanism is a human-kind approach to urbanism that invites us to go beyond the 3D physicality of space, to consider how we experience, feel and connect in urban space. It is considerate of the sensory, emotional, and psychological dimension of urban space and urban experience. It is mindful of the impact of change and the way we design on the health and wellbeing of ourselves and others. It is sympathetic to our urge to create connection, meaning, identity and belonging through the built environment. It empathises with a wider spectrum of people and their needs and lived experiences. 

Considerate Urbanism is a movement, mindset and method to unify people and ideas, amplify action and activity, and activate delivery and outcomes. We are building a new platform for engaging stakeholders to build togetherness, connection, and cohesion through urban health, equity, inclusion. Now is the time to realise this vision with a new government and fresh investment in urban renewal. 

Mend is sponsoring Considerate Urbanism at HCD 2024. Mend sees the “Community as Client®, and we provide writing, advisory, research, policy analysis and consulting services on ways to deliver positive social outcomes and build stronger social fabric through placemaking and infrastructure.

Contact info

44 Stone Hall Road, London, N21 1LP, UK

Mend and Considerate Urbanism People

Liane Hartley
Liane Hartley
Director, Mend; Founder, Considerate Urbanism, Mend and Considerate Urbanism, United Kingdom
Natasha Reid
Natasha Reid
Founder, MATTER . SPACE . SOUL, United Kingdom
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