Evening Networking Dinner hero image

Evening Networking Dinner

Tuesday 15 October, 19.00–22.00

Taking place on the evening of day one of the Congress, the networking dinner will be an opportunity for delegates to connect informally with members of the programme committee, as well as enjoy a sumptuous three-course meal and a live music performance.

Evening Networking Dinner content image

This year the Dinner will be held at the World Museum, which is the oldest of the museums and galleries operated by National Museums Liverpool. It first opened on 8 March 1853 in the Ropeworks district of Liverpool, and it moved to its present site on William Brown Street in 1860.

It has expanded to become one of the great museums of the British regions, with collections and displays of life sciences, earth sciences and human cultures around the world. Today, the museum is famous for its great collections, its history of innovation and the family-friendly experience that it offers. In 2010 visits to the museum totalled 748,065 making it one of the most popular and respected museums in the UK.

Date and time: 19.00–22.00
Address: World Museum, William Brown St, Liverpool, L3 8EN

Evening networking dinner tickets can be purchased at the below rate:

Single ticket   £95(£114 including VAT)

Purchase tickets for the Congress and Dinner here. Keynote speakers and a live performance at the Dinner will be announced shortly.

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